Chance to see new Pavilion design
Chance to see new Pavilion design
Recreation Ground clubhouse: Sunday 8th May, 2-4pm
Chance to see the latest drawings for the new Pavilion - Sunday 8th May, 2-4 pm
The existing pavilion is a 50 year old ex-construction site hut which has served us very well, but is in urgent need of upgrading.
This event, on Sunday May 8th between 2pm - 4pm, is to show the latest designs for the new pavilion, and to seek feedback from villagers. A number of people will be there to answer any questions, including the architect and Parish Councillors.
Subject to feedback, and Parish Council approval, it is intended that a Planning Permission application will be submitted around the end of May. All are welcome - if you have any queries about this event, please send contact the Parish Clerk via the Contact us form or email parishclerk@pirtonparishcouncil.org.uk
Additional Documents
Interior of new clubhouse.png East and South elevation 04052022.pdf West and North elevation 04052022.pdf