Chance to see new Pavilion design

Recreation Ground clubhouse: Sunday 8th May, 2-4pm


Chance to see the latest drawings for the new Pavilion - Sunday 8th May, 2-4 pm

The existing pavilion is a 50 year old ex-construction site hut which has served us very well, but is in urgent need of upgrading.

This event, on Sunday May 8th between 2pm - 4pm,  is to show the latest designs for the new pavilion, and to seek feedback from villagers. A number of people will be there to answer any questions, including the architect and Parish Councillors.

Subject to feedback, and Parish Council approval, it is intended that a Planning Permission application will be submitted around the end of May.  All are welcome - if you have any queries about this event, please send contact the Parish Clerk via the Contact us form or email

Additional Documents

Interior of new clubhouse.png East and South elevation 04052022.pdf West and North elevation 04052022.pdf