Update - February 2024

Construction, labour and professional costs have been rising at rapid rates, meaning that the original estimated cost of the pavilion has risen considerably to the point where affordability for the village has become a real consideration.

To that end, the Parish Council has commissioned our architects to come up with a simpler, less costly, redesign for the new pavilion. The initial drawings and artists impressions have been received and were displayed at a public meeting in the Sports and Social Club prior to Christmas. Those who attended were positive in their responses.

Planning permission has now been applied for (this month) and it is hoped to keep the project moving forward. Funding, as ever, is the main consideration and to that end, the Council will be applying for a loan from the Public Works Loan Board of some £400,000. We already have an approval letter for £300,000 but the extra £100,000 will allow for flexibility and a contingency sum. Not that the total borrowing will be a maximum of £400k. This is the reason why the Parish Council has applied to raise the precept again this year in order to service the new loan. The application will go for approval in May 2024.

Pirton Parish Council is planning to replace its Recreation Ground pavilion

The current pavilion/clubhouse was donated to the village in the mid 1970's. It was a work-site hut and consists of mainly of wooden clad walls with a felted roof structure. It has served the village well for nearly 50 years but is now in urgent need of improvement. It has very limited insulation and damp proofing, and the changing rooms do not meet modern standards. There are no separate showering facilities for officials or females. The Ladies' and Gents' toilets each have only 2 cubicles which is inadequate for large events.

With the recent new housing developments in the village about £180,000 of Section 106 money has been available, towards a new pavilion. A funding plan based on the Section 106 money, together with potential grants particularly from the Football Association, and a Parish Council loan to be repaid through the Precept now provides an opportunity to seek to replace the existing building with a new pavilion.

The new pavilion will be an important village asset for social, sporting and organisation meetings. Village activities that currently use the facilities include the Summer Fair, Fireworks night, Candlelight Picnic, Classic car rally, and Boxing Day Fun Run. The Youth Club has a regular booking, and with better facilities it is believed that village residents and organisations will want to use the new pavilion.

Village residents have shown overwhelming support at recent events where the plans have been shared, and previously in November 2018 in a consultation exercise. A concept design has been produced, and this is now being taken forward into more detail for a planning submission application in the summer.

Update 10th May 2022:

Pirton Parish Council have engaged with architect Simon Knight who has provided drawings, a 3D model and a simulated walkthrough of the proposed new pavilion which was presented at a Consultation session on May 8th. Comments were taken at that session, but if you wish to make any further comments before the end of May 13th, please email the Parish Clerk at parishclerk@pirtonparishcouncil.org.uk or use the Contact us form on this website

Subject to all feedback, and Parish Council approval, it is intended that a Planning Permission application will be submitted around the end of May.

Below is the main clubhouse room - note there is the facility to have a separate meeting room at the back, with sliding partition doors

Main hall.jpg

Below is a view of the terrace- note the seating area at the back is where will be a hatch for serving refreshments


Click on the link https://youtu.be/usU1qyCEuvs to view a walk through of the interior and exterior of the new design

Click the link to see the inspiration of the design, along with more detail about the orientation, building materials and layout - the pdf of the A1 boards shown at the consultation can be viewed at the bottom of the latest Pirton Parish Council news article